Know About Day Of Week You Born ?

Remind this two formula as given below.

January : 0
February : 3
March : 3
April : 6
May : 1
June : 4
July : 6
August : 2
September : 5
October : 0
November : 3
December : 5

Monday : 1
Tuesday : 2
Wednesday : 3
Thursday : 4
Friday : 5
Saturday : 6
Sunday : 0

Example :

Suppose we want to find the day of 10 June,1986 

Step 1 : Drop "19" from year of Birth 

1986 becomes 86

Step 2 : Divide this number by 4 and drop the reminder.

86 / 4 = 21  remains 2

Step 3 : Add this answer to year of birth.

21 + 86 = 107
Step 4 : Add the day of the month of birth to this total.

 107 + 10 = 117

Step 5 : From the first formula, add the value of the month.

June = 4,  117 + 4 = 121

Step 6 : Divide this total by 7 .

121 / 7 = 17 remains 2

Step 7 : Take this remainder (2) and apply this number in Formula 2.  

2 = Tuesday

So your day of birth is Tuesday.

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